Outsourcing That Does Not Feel Like Outsourcing

In days gone past, outsourcing meant businesses wouldn’t expect the same output or performance from their remote team. Providers would promise, and still do, the same quality or better when businesses would move positions and tasks offshore. Despite the promises, clients assumed and prepared for a drop in quality, along with the drop in labor costs.

Things have changed for the better. A ‘global’ workforce removed the barriers that may have previously inhibited businesses from outsourcing. Most understand they can source and place high quality, well-educated staff from another country. Businesses, and the managers and leaders that run them are surprising themselves what the type of remote talent they can hire.

“Old” Outsourcing

There is no date or event when the old became new outsourcing. Prior to the era of smartphone and fast internet, when businesses turned their mind to outsourcing they thought of call centres and back office administration. It was important business critical stuff, but it felt cheap. The positions higher up the organisational chart remained in-house and onshore. Smart companies were already outsourcing everything that made sense.

Businesses lowered their expectations in exchange for cheaper labor costs. Training and development was expensive. It was difficult to meet and collaborate. Zoom or Google Meets wasn’t a ‘thing’. IT and infrastructure was difficult to align and required a lot of maintenance after set-up. Perhaps most importantly, working from home or remotely was unfashionable and impractical.

Outsourcing in 2023 and beyond

With few exceptions, almost every task, role, or career can be delivered remotely now. The distance of the person delivering it doesn’t really matter. If you are already working with a team who executes part or all of its functions from different locations, you’ll understand this. Outsourcing doesn’t feel like outsourcing anymore. A good outsourcing provider should be able to source and place people who can deliver the same quality and output you would expect of someone in New York or London – at half the price.

Chances are your competition or others in your industry are already leveraging the power of outsourcing. Think about the following use cases we’ve worked with as examples:

  • Expert digital and print graphic design for a full service marketing company in UK.
  • 24/7 customer success team handling the entire customer service and success needs for a leading USA SaaS company coast to coast.
  • Remote Product Developers pushing out mobile applications quicker than competitors.
  • Accurate data entry and processing agents delivering 99.90% accuracy.
  • Macedonian Architects and Engineers preparing construction drawings for onsite team in New York.

Businesses should consider every and any role better placed offshore. This leverages the lower costs with equal, and often better, talent and service. Connect sources roles across all industry verticals, whether it’s in IT, Software Development, Finance, Sales and Marketing, or just prudent Back Office Support and Administration. These are positions across all levels of the organisational hierarchy.

No business should have to lower their expectations on quality and output when it comes to remote staff anymore. Don’t believe us? Reach out to Connect for pricing and what type of staff you can expect. They could be your next hire.
