Select & onboard hand-picked staff in under 2 weeks
How our service works? From discovery to hire in 2 weeks
Free Discovery and Calibration
We assess your needs and explore how outsourcing can benefit your business. We provide sample talent and profiles to show what’s available.
First Candidates
Our recruiters find the right talent based on your budget, job description, and business needs. We endorse the first batch of pre-vetted candidates within 7 days.
Hiring and Payroll
We hire the selected staff on your behalf, ready to work in 3 days. This saves you the cost and risk of registering an offshore company and managing employment.
First Day and On-boarding
We handle legal, payroll, HR, and IT setup, plus team introductions. Our Training Manager can run your on-boarding or develop custom skills-based programs.
Performance Management and Operations Support
You’ll have 24/7 access to our Operations Manager and Founder for support. We handle HR, payroll, office, and IT needs to help manage and grow your remote team.
Find out if outsourcing is the right fit
Book a call today for a no obligation and free chat with our outsourcing experts
How we fit remote staff into your team
Modern technology makes offshoring easy without compromising quality or taking too much time for set-up. With Connect, your output remains high. Over 75% of businesses outsource roles for cost-effective, top-quality staff. Connect provides remote employees who integrate seamlessly with your team and systems.